Do you want to create your own website without hiring a professional developer? You might be tempted to use DIY website builders like Wix or WordPress, which promise easy and fast solutions for your online presence. However, before you jump into these platforms, you should be aware of their shortcomings and limitations. In this article, we will discuss some of the biggest downfalls of DIY web development using Wix or WordPress, and provide some statistics and examples of how they can affect your website.

Lack of customization and flexibility

One of the main drawbacks of using DIY website builders is that they offer limited options for customization and flexibility. You have to choose from a set of predefined templates, themes, and features, which may not suit your specific needs and preferences. Moreover, you may encounter compatibility issues with third-party plugins, extensions, or integrations, which can affect your website's functionality and performance. For example, if you want to add a custom contact form, a social media feed, or an online store to your website, you may not find a suitable plugin or extension that works well with your chosen template or theme. Or, if you want to change the layout, color scheme, or font of your website, you may not have enough control over the design options.

According to web design statistics, 48% of people credit a website’s design as the top factor in deciding a business’s credibility. Therefore, having a unique and appealing design that reflects your brand identity and values is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. However, DIY website builders may not allow you to achieve that level of customization and flexibility.

Poor SEO and security

Another disadvantage of using DIY website builders is that they may not provide optimal SEO and security for your website. SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of improving your website's visibility and ranking on search engines like Google or Bing. Security refers to the protection of your website from hackers, malware, or other threats. DIY website builders may not follow the best practices for SEO and security, such as using HTTPS, optimizing loading speed, updating software, or backing up data. For example, if your website is not HTTPS-enabled, it may be marked as insecure by browsers and users, which can lower your trustworthiness and ranking. Or, if your website is slow to load, it may increase your bounce rate and decrease your user engagement and conversion.

According to web development statistics, 75% of consumers base their opinion of an e-commerce website on design alone. However, design is not enough if your website is not secure and fast enough to deliver a smooth user experience. Moreover, SEO is essential for driving organic traffic to your website and increasing your chances of converting visitors into customers. However, DIY website builders may not provide enough tools and guidance for optimizing your website for SEO and security.

Limited support and scalability

A final downfall of using DIY website builders is that they may not offer adequate support and scalability for your website. Support means having access to technical assistance, troubleshooting, or guidance when you encounter problems or issues with your website. Scalability means having the ability to grow and expand your website as your business or audience grows. DIY website builders may not provide enough support and scalability options, such as live chat, phone support, dedicated hosting, or cloud services. For example, if you run into a technical glitch or a security breach on your website, you may not get timely or effective help from the DIY website builder's customer service team. Or, if you want to scale up your website's traffic, storage, or features, you may not have enough resources or flexibility to do so.

According to web development statistics, do-it-yourself platforms for web development in the cloud are currently worth $24 billion in the US. They also experience a 4.9% annual growth rate. This shows that there is a high demand for DIY web development solutions among users who want to create their own websites without hiring developers. However, this also means that there is a lot of competition among websites that use these platforms. Therefore, having a reliable support system and a scalable infrastructure is vital for staying ahead of the curve and growing your online presence.


DIY web development using Wix or WordPress may seem like a convenient and affordable way to create your own website, but it comes with many drawbacks and limitations. You may end up with a website that is not customized, optimized, secure, supported, or scalable enough for your needs and goals. Therefore, if you want to have a professional and successful website, you should consider hiring a web developer who can create a custom-made solution for you.

Learn More: Before You Build Your Website, Be Sure You Understand What You Really Need